EEG monitoring unit- EMU


EEG-video monitoring refers to continuous EEG recorded for a more or less prolonged period with simultaneous video recording of the clinical manifestations. Having a correlation of the recorded behaviour (video) and the EEG activity, the diagnosis of seizures or nonepileptic attacks can be made definitely in nearly all cases. EEG-video is the criterion standard for the diagnosis. Also,prolonged EEG-video monitoring is commonly used fro pre surgical evaluations to identify the epileptogenic focus.

Indication for the EEG monitoring

1. To confirm the diagnosis. This can help to confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy and epileptic syndrome.

2. To differentiate epileptic seizures from nonepileptic seizure mimics such as psychogenic nonepileptic attacks (PNEA), and seizure-mimiced symptom like syncope and parasomnias. It is useful particularly patients who have nocturnal seizure.

3. Presurgical evaluations to identify the epileptogenic focus

What need to prepare for admission to an EMU

1. Meet with  epilepsy doctor and nurse before admission to learn what is planned and how you can prepare. Normally, it take 1-2 days monitoring for the diagnosis, but for pre surgical evaluations might be take around 5-7 days.

2. Tell your epilepsy team if you have had changes in mood, sleep or behaviour (the way you act) when a seizure medicine has been changed or after seizures.

3. Ask what medicine changes are planned. Ask if whether to lower medicines ?, if yes, how. What medicine will be changed? Also,  “rescue” medicine or “prn” medicine  can be used.

4. Learn what safety precautions, what you can do in the hospital and what you can’t do. You likely will not be able to walk around on your own when you are at risk for falls or more seizures.

5. Bring activities to keep you busy. It can be boring in the hospital!. Being in the hospital, having more seizures and changing medicines can be very hard physically and emotionally.

6. Have a family member or friend with you at the EEG monitoring is recommended.